Lecture to University
~Efforts with University in Indonesia~
Interpreter: Mustika (photo to the left) Hasriani (photo to the right)

Hideaki Ishikawa
Kaikoukai Josai Hospital

Yoshifumi moriyama
Exercise Therapy for Dialysis Patients Management Department
General Manager

Kazuhide Kumazawa
Home Care Division
Division Manager

Home Care Division
Special Lecturer
Photo to the right: Yoshifumi Moriyama (General manager at Kaikoukai)
Photo to the left: Chieko Kawai (Manager at Kaikoukai)
Kaikokai’s staff as the special lecturer hold lectures at the national university in Indonesia.

*Basics of nursing care technology
*Maintenance of physical function through therapeutic exercise.
They kindly and easily explain nursing care and therapeutic exercise so that students can gain the correct knowledge.
We hope that Therapeutic Exercise and Nursing Care Technology get standard in Indonesia.
Giving instructions on practical skills in the facility of Kaikoukai Healthcare Group through the meeting application.
Lecture about “Therapeutic exercise” and “Nursing care” conducted by professional lecturer.

Basic Knowledge about Dementia
Division Manager
Home Medical Care Division
Kaikoukai Healthcare Corporation
Kazuhide Kumazawa
Appropriate explanation of necessity of dementia care based on the current number of dementia patients and the aging of population around the world.
Current approach of hemodialysis for elderly patients
Kaikoukai Josai Hospital Nephrologist
Hideaki Ishikawa
Participated in the online seminars of the international symposium of Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Remote seminars on general remarks of kidney disease care in Japan, exercise therapy assisting VR games and ethical topics for life-ending medicine were carried out for doctors, students, etc.